November 22, 2009

Glimpses of You


How I wish I could sit down with you over a good cup of coffee and talk. I have been missing those things: good coffee and familiar friends. Although God has indeed been so good to bless me with a wonderful community here, there is nothing quite like old friends and family with whom you do not have to start over.

How to formulate the thoughts and changes of my heart? Words really are inadequate, but I will try to convey some of them with my meager words...

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 91:1

How true! During these months that have passed so quickly I have glimpsed in so many ways the indescribable wonder and majesty of our good, good God.

John Eldridge writes, "When the curtain goes up on the story of humanity, we see God in a series of breathtaking dramatic actions that we so blandly call 'creation'."

I wonder, if God only chose to show us his character through creation what would we know? His grandeur, His order, His joy, His artistry, His vast love for us—to whom he has given this world.

Whether I have been climbing on, swimming in, or gazing at His creation here in Bolivia, it has been a much needed reminder of the glory and vastness of God.

But not only does creation shout out his glory; Ezekiel 39:21 says, "I will display my glory among the nations!"

I admit that stepping out of my own familiar world has had its challenges. My job, my friends, my ministry, my food, my home, my language, my transportation, my church have all changed! But one of the results of all this newness has been a greater understanding of the larger work and immense sovereignty of God--in the world and through the ages.

I can get so stuck in the little bubble of my small life that I lose sight of my ultimate Hope. Could it be that when we find life stifling, it is because we are beginning to let our lives rest upon our own shoulders and performance? In essence, making ourselves our own hope instead of Christ?

We have such small minds.

May Christ reveal to us His BIGNESS: the work of His hands, the sound of His voice, the theme that He plays, the vision that He sees, the glory that He shows, the sovereignty that He possesses…

And yet as I begin to grasp more and more this Glory, I am in peril of being crushed by the Greatness of it all, utterly diminished at the bigness of God. Even now I feel so insignificant and unworthy. It is only for the marvelous Truth that I am a child of the King that I can stand.

Rest a moment in his Capability. Click.

You Do All Things Well
Mountain maker
Ocean tamer
Glimpses of You
Burn in my eyes

The worship of heaven
Fills up the skies

You made it all

Said, "let there be"

And there was

All that we see

The sound of Your voice
The works of Your hands

You do all things well...

Star creator
Wind breather
The strokes of Your beauty
Brushed through the clouds

Light from the heavens
Touching the ground
Imagination runs wild
And breathes the breath of life
Across the fields

Across the miles

November 12, 2009

Prayer and Praise - November 12

Praise for...
  • An absolutely WONDERFUL break from school exploring God's astounding creation with excellent friends!! :)
  • Encouraging and productive Parent-Teacher Interviews.
  • Good health (still!!)
  • A new roommate.
  • God's faithfulness to work in my often stubborn heart, to change me more and more into the image of Christ.
Prayer for...
  • My class and I as we present the Chapel message on November 26th; that we may be a witness to the school and the parents who come watch.
  • Diego. He is one of my students who, I believe, accepted Christ as his Savior in first grade. He is a beautiful example of a changed life. Pray that he would continue to seek after the heart of Christ.
  • Lukas. He is a tough little boy with the potential to be a strong leader for the Lord. Pray for a sensitive hear to the message of the gospel. I am praying this verse for him (Jeremiah 24:7) "I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their hearts."
  • My own heart to discern the voice of God as I ponder the future months.

A picture from our trip to the Salar de Uyuni (see facebook for more!)