July 18, 2009


I've been noticing signs these days.
Signs that tell how far I'll be from home.

Signs that tell me my role.

Signs that tell me where I am.

But I have been noticing other types of signs also.
Signs of a soft heart.

As I look at the people around me I am noticing things:
Tear-filled eyes during prayer.
The insightful remark into another's life.
A timely encouragement.
Humility in leadership.
A thoughtful response.
Undying trust in a good God amidst immense pain.

These are the signs that I am rejoicing in!
During these long days of training God is teaching me so much through the stories and the hearts of our teachers (and among my other "missionaries in training"). The Spirit of God shines so strongly through the lives of men and women who live surrendered and vulnerable lives. I am so humbled to be a part of this, and long to have MY life marked by a soft heart.

QUICK UPDATE: The tickets have been purchased and the visa acquired! I leave for Bolivia July 31st and arrive one day before teacher orientation begins. I especially covet your prayers during this time of packing, leaving, and traveling.

July 11, 2009

This Plot of Ground

This is it. (Although from my angle the grass looks a little greener.)
Charlotte, North Carolina. (SIM headquarters.)
July 11th - 25th. (Two weeks.)
And it started today with five shots administered by two nurses into both arms simultaneously. (Ouch!)

Welcome to SIMCO!!

I live in the brown building at the bottom and walk to the biggest brown building at the top each morning to begin the day of training.

Here's my scheduled course load (minus the immunization parties):
Attitudes in Missions
Thriving in Adversity
Health Care
Using Media
Spiritual Warfare
Contextualized Theology
Managing Stress
Community and Personality
SIM Vision

If you aren't completely confused by now, way to go, and welcome to the next two weeks of my summer as I train in North Carolina in preparation for Bolivia.

I will keep you updated as I go, but for now, please be praying for two things:
COMMUNITY with the others in training
CONCENTRATION during the long days of information gathering

July 10, 2009


Here's an overview of my ministry in Bolivia:

