August 10, 2011


Dear Friends,

With summer winding down I find myself in a reflective mood, and I am reminded of the path that God has me on…to become more like Christ…to pursue (and bring) His Kingdom…to follow His voice. With this reflection comes a realization, again, of the blessing of people (you!) who have journeyed with me thus far: through friendship, encouragement, over lunch, in prayer, through financial support, by hospitality, a challenge, in a letter, a trip, through forgiveness offered, or grace extended.

I have not written in a very long time, mostly because I don’t have “amazing” stories of God working “dramatically” in my sphere of life. However, there has been a slow and powerful work of God in my own heart and mind—and that, I know without a shadow of a doubt, has been far more life-altering than anything I could imagine.


A year ago I began looking for a house in the inner-city to move into. This came about from a number of different influences, but mostly the working of the Holy Spirit in my heart, calling disciples of Christ to bring the Kingdom of God to the poor, abandoned and broken places of Milwaukee. It is an overwhelming task; one that is impossible without the collective and intentional workings of Jesus-lovers and the Holy Spirit.

I have learned so much in these past months of praying, studying, talking, walking, praying, listening, reading, asking, experimenting, and praying. Largely, two areas have emerged in my heart. One of hope, and another of heartache.

Hope because we have seen the Kingdom. We know the God who is working to restore all of creation back to Himself. We have seen glimpses of God stirring below the surface of the Church in Milwaukee, and are confident in our good Savior.

And heartache. Lots of heartache; because we see even more the brokenness in ourselves, in the Church, and in our neighborhood. Heartache because what we hope for doesn’t often happen, and because it’s a lonely road.

May this only bring us closer to the Father’s heart.


I am impressed with the knowledge that God is explicitly working to form and prepare my foundation for what He has next. He has reawakened some dreams in me, and I am excited to see where He will bring me in the next few years; but also humbled that He is committed to me, now, in this season.

May I be faithful.

In recognition, in gratitude, and in debt to all of you who have in so many ways brought me thus far, I just wanted to say: thank you.