7:00am - 5:00pm.
Then 8:30pm - 9:30pm.
Saturday 11am - 2:00pm.
This is my work schedule.
And since it consumes 90% of my waking hours,
I thought it was about time to share about SCHOOL.
Refresher: I am teaching second grade at Carachipampa Christian School. I have a class of 15 students (up to 17 in December), and actually, I have one of the biggest classes in the school! None of my students are American, although 3 of them have lived there for at least one year of their life. My class has 5 missionary kids and 10 Bolivians.
I can't believe that an entire quarter has passed already. We've kept very busy learning to be good friends with everyone in the class, and doing our best work!
Besides that, I teach reading, writing, spelling, math, Bible, computer class, art, science and social studies!
See the picture of the salt maps we made.
The end of September was camp week. The 1st - 3rd graders camp right at school on Thursday night. It was a great time to connect with students outside of the classroom and have fun learning about missions.
I had the privilege of teaching the camp chapel!
Here are a few pictures:
Setting up the tents with 14 eager helpers
was quite a task, but we did it!
Having fun on the playground at night.
We spent the next afternoon swimming and playing
at a retreat center that one of the family owns.
...and here we ALL our after a full and long
(but fun) two days of camp.
This week during our class devotions we were talking about all the things that God is good at. Of course He is good at making things, they replied, because he made us and plants and animals and the UNIVERSE!
He is also good at loving and forgiving, they said. He is good at listening and answering when we pray. He is a good writer because he wrote the Bible. And he is very good at being our Father, said Celeste, He is the greatest Father of all!
How I pray that these Truths will imprint themselves on the hearts of these young children who so desperately need the love and life of Christ for them.
Please continue to pray for me, as I live and share the grace of the gospel; and pray for 2nd Grade, that they might be transformed by the God who calls each of them by name.
Blessings, Kelly
Here are a few PRICES that I am enjoying:
1) Pineapple = $1
2) Flowers = $2 a bunch (Not ashamed, I buy myself flowers)
3) 1 Kilo of just-picked tomatoes = $0.75
4) Steak Dinner = $7
5) Avocado = $0.50
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